Obsidian is an all indigenous collective of designers and artists that have backgrounds as entrepreneurs as well as entertainers, water/land defenders and grassroots organizers. The collectives purpose is to reflect and bring forth to the world, not only indigenous resistance, but in carrying out indigenous resurgence, through collaboration and unity. Obsidian prioritizes in exemplifying the beauty of First Nations People of the Americas to mainstream society through the arts, especially in the form of streetwear fashion. Our objectives are to reclaim the "American Indian" narrative not just to remind the world that we are still here but also to proclaim our relevancy in the 21st century. United through Obsidian the individuals that make up the collective will bring together what they have to effectuate positive change. Aiming to tell our stories on a bigger global stage as we take our own narratives back into our own hands and sharing them to the world through fashion, music and film. All while continuing to risk our own lives on front-lines, organizing grassroots campaigns and creating visual content that shake up the world.